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IPEN Adolescent Research Team

Primary Investigator

Dr. Moran is a senior lecturer and the head of the Health Promotion program at the school of Public Health at the university of Haifa. She specializes in environmental and social determinants of health. 

Based on the knowledge and skills gained during her master’s in public health (2006, University of Haifa), and her my PhD in urban and regional planning (2013, Technion), her research methods are diverse and include quantitative (e.g., statistical and spatial analysis) and qualitative (e.g., walk-along interviews, cognitive mapping) approaches. Her research covers different world regions (e.g., Middle-east, Latin America, International) and geographical scales ranging from individuals’ activity spaces (e.g., children’s walking routes and outdoor play areas) through neighborhoods and cities to metropolitan regions.

Dr Moran together with Prof Baron-Epel lead the adolescent IPEN project in Israel and collected the data during the years 2015-17.

Research Team

Orna Baron-Epel, MPH, PhD. Prof. Baron-Epel has a BSc and PhD in Biology from the Tel Aviv University and a Master’s in Public Health (MPH) from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Orna Baron-Epel, is a full professor Emeritus of public health at the school of public health at the University of Haifa.

Although recently retired is continuing research activities and teaching. During the years 2003 and 2014 she was the head of the health promotion specialty and between the years 2015-2020 the director of the School of Public Health. Her research interests are mainly: health promotion, social epidemiology, the social aspects of health behaviors, and health and the built environment. Many of her studies try to decipher the effects of social characteristics on health and health behaviors among the different groups living in Israel.

Her research methodologies include quantitative and qualitative methods. Prof. Baron-Epel is also involved in evaluating health promotion interventions in the community using these methods.  She has published over 140 peer and edited “Health Promotion From Theory to Practice”, the book serves as the basic textbook for students of health promotion in Israel.

Prof. Baron-Epel together with Dr Moran lead the adolescent IPEN project in Israel and collected the data during the years 2015-17.


Obesogenic environments and adolescent obesity: Identifying environmental factors related to adolescent obesity

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