IPEN Research
IPEN Adult and Adolescent Team
Primary Investigator
Delfien Van Dyck
Orcid ID: 0000-0003-1783-9075

Delfien is co-chairing the research group Physical Activity and Health in the Department of Movement and Sports Sciences at Ghent University, Belgium. As a movement scientist, she has been studying the relationship of physical environmental characteristics with health outcomes and behavioural outcomes (physical activity and sedentary behaviours) for more than 15 years. She is also interested in examining the interplay between physical environmental and individual-level factors to explain health outcomes. More recently, she has been focusing on the use of virtual reality (VR) methods in this research domain.
Delfien joined the IPEN in 2006, when she started her PhD. Actually, the main study included in her PhD dissertation was the Belgian arm of the IPEN Adult study, for which she led the data collection. She also wrote three papers on the pooled data of the Belgian, US and Australian data of IPEN-Adult. These served as a basis for the large-scale data pooling of the data of all involved countries. She has been involved in both the IPEN Adult and IPEN Adolescent studies. She is principal investigator of the Belgian arm of the IPEN Adolescent study and member of the Publication Committee of IPEN Adolescent.
Belgium Photo Codebook